Texas Roads (A Miller's Creek Novel) Page 25
Nearing the water, his spirit deflated. No vehicle. He grabbed his flashlight and hurried to the bank, the creek’s familiar gurgle spilling its song into the night. Shining the light on the ground at the creek’s edge, he spied fresh tracks made by small feet.
Dani had been here.
He ripped the hat from his head and let out a groan. So close to finding her, but not close enough. Where could she be, and was she okay? What was the fight between Cecille and Mama Beth about? What had Dani heard that made her run away? Was it about the adoption? How could he ever tell Mama Beth about the investigation?
Questions attacking him like a pack of bloodthirsty mosquitoes, he hurried to the truck and started the engine. Maybe she’d gone back home while he’d been out looking for her.
He steered into the driveway a few minutes later, his frail hope dissipating like dew on a hot August day. She hadn’t returned. Instead Mama Beth waited for him at the gate, her eyes expectant. As he climbed from the truck, he met her gaze and shook his head.
Her expression fell, her face lined and weary. “You have time for a cup of coffee? I have something I need to tell you.”
“Sure.” He had something to tell her too, and she wasn’t going to like it one bit.
Dani plopped onto the beach and gazed across the crashing waves of the Gulf of Mexico, its waters green-gray and murky from last night’s storm. She leaned back and locked her elbows into place, allowing the breeze to sweep through her hair.
What had prompted her to turn south instead of driving to Dallas? Maybe the prospect of being in proximity to her mother—correction, her adopted mother—had subconsciously steered her away. No, it was easy enough to get lost in the city. Divine intervention? She licked her lips, salty from the ocean breeze. Was God’s hand at work in all this?
She peered down the beach at the imposing structure nearby. The ocean-front condo on Mustang Island had definitely been a godsend. With the start of school the beach was cleared of summer crowds which made this the perfect time to visit.
Dani dug her fingers into the soft sand and held up a handful to watch it slip to the ground. Funny how time and dreams were the same. They both trickled by as fast as sand through her fingers. A couple strolled by, their arms linked, and an ocean of hurt broke against her heart. Steve’s face appeared in her mind, and she allowed the image to linger. If only things could’ve been different. She closed her eyelids and bathed herself in memories, his lopsided grin and lanky saunter, those cinnamon-colored eyes of his, always full of questions.
Sea foam splashed her toes then dashed away, teasing her with a game of tag. She needed this time to think. To make sense of all that had happened. Dani faced the breeze, inhaled deep, and let it out in a heavy sigh. In a single heartbeat, she’d been transformed from wealthy heiress to adopted child, a lifetime of questions answered in a tick of the clock. And what about her father? What had happened to him? Had criminal activity become a way of life for him? A chill tingled down her arms and she hugged herself until it passed. Mama Beth should have told her the truth. But then again, how do you tell someone their whole life has been nothing but a lie?
A rumble erupted from her stomach, demanding food, but she wasn’t ready to leave the quiet peace. She lingered as the sun sank lower in the sky and watched the seagulls make their dives and swoops toward the waves, their cries haunting and lonely.
With a last long look at the churning water, Dani picked herself up, dusted off crumbs of wet sand, and made her way to the room. Once inside, she dialed room service then dropped to the bed to wait for her meal. She pulled the hotel Bible to her lap and picked up where she’d left off, the words continuing to provide an unexpected comfort.
Dani started when a knock sounded at the door several minutes later. “Room Service.” The voice called out in sing-song style. She opened the door to a short older woman with salt-and-pepper hair. “Where you want me to put your food, hon?”
“On the balcony please.” Dani held the door open wider and moved aside. The smell of fresh seafood hit as the woman passed, sharpening her hunger.
“I see you’re reading your Bible.” The woman set the tray on the patio table. “What book?”
“John, I think.”
“One of my favorites.” The woman with kind brown eyes faced her. “The other night when you checked in, you looked like you’d had a pretty rough day. You doing better?”
Her cheeks flamed and she lowered her eyes. “Yes, thank you. Let me get you a tip.” She moved through the sliding glass door to get her purse, the woman close behind. Rifling through the contents of her bag, she located a couple of ones at the bottom, smoothed out the wrinkles, and handed them to the woman.
“Thanks for the tip, hon.” Her voice was warm, like hot chocolate on a frigid winter night. “Mind if I give you one?”
Dani twisted her head to one side and puckered her eyebrows. “I’m sorry?”
“Here’s my tip for you.” The woman pointed to the Bible. “Any answers you’re looking for, God can give you in that book. Keep searching.” Then she patted Dani’s arm. “And don’t be afraid to trust any man whose heart belongs to God.” With that, she let herself out the door with a wave and a smile.
Dani moved to the balcony overlooking the ocean, the sun-drenched water now molten gold as the last semi-circle of sun made its final descent. The woman’s words stuck in her head. She did need answers, but a man whose heart belonged to God? The phrase turned her thoughts to Steve. Why would anyone like him want someone like her?
She placed a napkin in her lap and uncovered the dish, the tantalizing aroma rising to her nose. Delving into the food with an appetite she hadn’t possessed in days, the first delicious bite of grilled amberjack dissolved on her tongue, nourishing both her body and spirit. But a minute later, she pulled back a linen cloth to reveal a batch of warm biscuits. The fork slid from her fingers and clanked against the plate. Mama Beth. She should at least call to let them know she was okay.
Dani padded into the room, retrieved her phone and dialed her mother’s number first. She picked up on the second ring. “Dani! Are you okay? I’ve been worried sick.”
“I’m fine.”
“Where in the world are you?” Her voice took on its typical demanding quality. “Why didn’t you return my calls?”
Her stomach turned. She couldn’t deal with a barrage of questions right now. “I’ll call you later.” Hands shaking, she clicked the cell phone shut and tossed it to the bed. That had been harder than she expected. Breathing deep, she closed her eyes. Calling Mama Beth would have to come later. An image of her aunt at the farmhouse table, hands folded in prayer, appeared in Dani’s mind and brought with it comfort.
Mama Beth, her birth mother, a woman she cherished in spite of all that had happened, would pray for her. She sensed that she’d been immersed in a mother’s prayers, not just today, but every day of her life. Her eyes opened in wonder. The same presence she’d experienced in Miller’s Creek was here.
If she ever needed His help in figuring out what to do it was now. She raised her eyes to the ceiling. God, I’ve tried to make it through life without You and made such a mess. So I’m asking for Your help. Please show me the way.
A peace beyond comprehension trickled over her like soothing balm. She flipped a page in the opened Bible, her gaze drawn to a verse from one of Brother Mac’s sermons. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
The way. That’s what she’d just prayed for, and something she’d searched for her entire life. The road of living to please her parents had proved to be a dead end. Then she’d tried to find the way on her own, but that path only brought pain and confusion. It was time to try a different road. She lifted her gaze heavenward and cried out to God again. As she prayed, a long-buried seed of hope grew inside and branched its way through every part of her.
Dani awakened the next morning to a s
haft of sunlight stretching golden fingers across the room. Squinting groggily against the brightness, she mulled over the change in her, like she'd found...
The inaudible word brought her to an upright position. That first Sunday at church in Miller’s Creek, Brother Mac had talked about Christ being her home. She hadn’t understood then, but now it made perfect sense. Not just something she believed, but something she knew in her heart. She'd been frantic in her search for home, desperate to make it happen, only to have it staring her in the face the whole time.
Joy bubbled up into soft laughter. She slipped from the bed and traipsed to the balcony to drink in the first rays of light. There was much to learn, but she didn’t feel afraid. God would help her. And miracle of miracles, the home she’d longed for her entire life wasn’t a place after all.
Jesus was her home now and for always.
The Search
Steve’s neck muscles knotted as a car whizzed past on his right, horn blaring. He glanced nervously in the rear-view mirror. It would help if the lady riding his bumper would back off and put down her cell phone.
His mind flashed back to the summer after his senior year in high school. On a beautiful June day he and Lauren had driven to Dallas to shop for things for their dorm rooms. One minute they’d been talking and laughing, the next minute a blur, as another vehicle crashed into them from behind, sending them into a tailspin that ended in a seven-car collision.
The image of Lauren’s lifeless body on the pavement had been forever imprinted on his brain. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. There weren’t many reasons he’d venture in to Dallas and face traffic. In fact there was only one. Dani. He had to find her, not only for Mama Beth, but for himself. He’d called Cecille last night after church and arranged to meet with her today. Maybe between the two of them they could locate Dani and convince her to come home.
He exited the interstate onto Mockingbird Lane breathing a sigh of relief. Though there was still a lot of traffic, at least it was slower-paced. How did people survive with all the noise and miles of concrete?
A few minutes later, he turned onto Preston Road, following the directions Cecille had given him over the phone, his mouth swinging open like an unlatched barn door. Compared to these houses, his mother’s Southern mansion looked like a miniature dollhouse. With manicured lawns and sculpted gardens, the neighborhood dripped wealth. The house on his right stretched on for what seemed like two blocks before the road turned and he could view the front. This was the place. Looked like some kind of modern-day castle.
He parked his truck in the large circular drive and strode to the house. Before he could even knock, Cecille opened the door, a changed woman from the last time he’d seen her. The dark area beneath her eyes hinted at sleepless nights. He could relate.
“Hello, Steve. Please come in.”
Hat in hand, his boots thudded on the shiny marble floor as he followed her through the massive foyer, down a long hallway, and into a kitchen that would hold his entire house. She pivoted toward him. “Please have a seat. Would you care for a glass of tea?”
“Yes ma’am, please.” He perched at the counter and pulled at the collar of his polo, wondering if he’d ever felt so out of place.
She placed the glass in front of him, her expression subdued, her fingers devoid of the gaudy rings she’d worn during her stay in Miller’s Creek. “I appreciate your concern for Dani, but I’m not sure I’ll to be able to help you find her.” She lowered herself to the ornate bar stool.
“Any idea where she might’ve gone?”
Her head moved from side to side then lowered. “No.”
“Has she been in contact with you?”
“Last night.”
His pulse quickened and he leaned toward her. “And?”
“She just wanted me to know she was okay.” Her voice cracked and her eyes, so much like Mama Beth’s, flooded with tears that spilled over and slipped down her cheeks. “Will she ever forgive me?”
No matter what she’d done in the past, she clearly loved Dani and felt remorse for her behavior. He draped a hand across hers. “I believe she will. She loves you.”
Cecille pulled her hands away and wiped her tears. “I don’t know why. I don’t deserve it.”
“You must’ve done something right. You raised a mighty special lady with a heart of gold.”
The woman managed a weak smile. “She is special. I’m just not sure I can take credit.”
“Would any of Dani’s friends know where she is?”
“Maybe Andy.”
Steve stiffened at the familiar fingers of jealousy clawing his insides. This might not be pleasant, but he had to know. “Can you give me directions to his office?”
“I can do better than that. I’ll take you.” He glimpsed in her expression the same determination he’d seen in Dani on more than one occasion.
After Cecille gathered her purse and keys, he followed her to the garage, struggling to keep his jaw from hinging open like some hick from the sticks. Folding himself into her little red sports car proved to be an even bigger challenge. With his knees riding near his chest, he grabbed hold of the arm rest and clung to it for dear life as she zipped in and out of traffic. The only thing worse than driving in Dallas was riding with someone who’s crazy driving contributed to the problem.
They pulled up outside a fancy stone building with Tyler & Coleman Law Firm plastered on the front in big black letters, self-doubt seeping into his psyche. No way could he ever compete with this kind of money. Why would Dani choose him when she could have this? Especially after the way he’d treated her. He crawled from the confines of Cecille’s sardine can of a car offering up a quick prayer for things to go smoothly. Regardless of past hard feelings between him and Andy, the last thing he needed to do was alienate the one person who might know where she was.
The receptionist at the front desk smiled as they approached. “Welcome to Tyler and Coleman. May I help you?”
Steve was relieved when Cecille answered. “My name is Cecille Hampton. I don’t have an appointment, but it’s imperative that we see Andy Tyler. Is he in?”
A minute later they were ushered in to Andy’s office, surprisingly simple for a big city lawyer like him. When he saw them he hopped to his feet, coming from behind his desk to hug Cecille. A friendly smile on his face, he offered Steve his hand. “Hey, Steve, glad to see you. I hear things are basically finished in Miller’s Creek. Congratulations.”
Taken aback at Andy’s relaxed friendliness, he nodded. The last time they’d spoken in Miller’s Creek, the tension between them had been so thick a chain saw couldn’t have ripped through it. Steve shook his hand. “Yep, almost done. Thanks for seeing us on such short notice.”
“I must admit, I never expected to see the two of you together.” Andy moved to the group of wing chairs nearby and motioned for them to sit. “Let me guess. This has to do with Dani.”
He and Cecille nodded at the same time. “Have you seen her or heard from her?” Steve tried to squelch the anxiety in his voice, but to no avail.
“We’ve been in touch.”
Lowering his gaze, he let out a shaky breath. So they were still together. No wonder Andy seemed so happy. “Do you know where she is?” He kept his eyes trained on Andy.
“No.” His direct gaze never wavered.
Cecille released a heavy sigh, her shoulders sagging. “Well, thanks for your time.” She stood. “We won’t keep you.”
Steve rose to his feet. The trip to Dallas had been a waste of time. Dazed, he turned to follow Cecille, but Andy laid a hand on his shoulder. “Could I speak to you alone for a moment?”
He glanced at Cecille, who nodded. “I’ll wait in the lobby.” She closed the office door behind her.
Andy offered a close-lipped smile. “Please have a seat.” They both settled into the chairs then Andy leveled a green-eyed gaze his direction. “
You’re in love with her aren’t you?”
His brows shot up, and he released a short laugh. “That obvious, huh? What about you?”
The lawyer shook his sandy curls. “Let’s just say I’ve moved on. Dani made it clear she wasn’t interested in me right after the rodeo.”
The rodeo? That was weeks ago. “But I thought—”
“Yeah, you and the rest of the town.” He laughed good-naturedly. “Dani and I are friends and always will be. Don’t give up on her. She might come around.”
Steve leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and busied his hands with his hat. “I know she’s the one behind the foundation.”
Andy leaned back in his seat, eyes wide. “Really? Well, it’s about time someone knew.”
“Why’d she keep it a secret?”
“Her parents.”
His eyebrows wrinkled. “Sorry, I’m not following you.”
Andy raised both hands, his expression serious. “Based on what Dani’s mentioned, I think they must’ve been the status-seeker-types who used their money to buy friends. She wanted the people in Miller’s Creek to like her for who she was.”
The words knocked the air from his lungs. Why had he been such a fool? He grappled with words. “She’s a better person than I ever gave her credit for.”
Andy smiled sadly. “Yeah, she is.”
“Thanks for your help, Andy.” Steve stood and stretched out his hand. “If you happen to hear from Dani again, would you tell her we all want her to come back home?”
Steve made his way to the door, but Andy’s voice called out from behind. “Steve?”
He turned. “Yeah?”
“For what it’s worth, I think she loves you, too.”
Lips tight, he lowered his head. “After the stupid moves I’ve made—”