The Way of Grace (Miller's Creek Novels) Read online

Page 15

  At first her eyes widened, but then she nodded slowly.

  Grace smiled. “It’s a lot of fun, but you’ll need to hold on tight. Can you do that?”

  Again the girl nodded.

  “Okay, here we go.” She pulled on the rein, coaxing the horse into a trot and then into a lope, her eyes constantly on Sadie to make sure she was safe.

  A smile broke out on the little girl’s face, and she giggled.

  When Grace brought the horse back down to walk a few minutes later, Sadie was all smiles. “That w-was f-fun.” A laugh fell from her smiling lips.

  Matt sauntered up, his mouth open in amazement. “Sadie, you’ve got a smile as big as Texas on your face.” He faced Grace, his eyes flickering. For a long moment he said nothing, just studied her.

  Her pulse quickened and she caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  “Good work, Gracie.”

  “Thanks.” She inhaled a shaky breath and turned her gaze back to Sadie. “Ready to do that again?”


  By the time the afternoon ended, Grace’s heart was lighter than it had been in a long time. She unsaddled the last horse and moved her out to pasture.

  Matt waved at a departing car and made his way toward her, the same indecipherable light flickering in his eyes. “Just so you know, you made great headway with Sadie. She’d all but closed up on everyone, including her grandmother who looks after her.”

  “Glad I could help, but I think I gained far more than I gave.” She fell into step as they made their way to the pickup.

  “I always leave here feeling that way. It’s therapeutic to help these kids, and I’m gonna miss it over the next few weeks while we take a break for the holidays.”

  “When you start back up, please keep me in mind.”

  His smile ignited a flame in his eyes. “Will do.”

  They reached the driver’s side of the old truck. Grace looked up at him, her heart pounding curiously.

  Matt stepped closer and took hold of both her hands. “Thanks again, Gracie.” He peered into her eyes in a way that left her exposed and vulnerable, but also completely unafraid. “You’re going to make a wonderful mother someday.”

  The words lit a longing inside her that she’d never voiced until now. “I hope so. It’s something I’ve wanted even longer than wanting to be an attorney.”

  His sandy eyes searched hers once more, digging deeper until she felt her heart would burst. He stepped closer, then reached around her and opened the pickup door. “See you later.”

  Disappointment engulfed her, but she found her voice. “Okay.” Grace climbed in the truck and turned the key. As she pulled away, she checked the rearview mirror. Matt stared after her, frozen in one position until he at last disappeared from view.

  Grace puzzled over her feelings, to decipher what had just happened. In one minute she thought he would kiss her, but something stopped him at the last minute. Then it hit. In a few minutes she had a date with Jason. Though she’d let it slip her mind, Matt had remembered. She punched the accelerator pedal. Unless she wanted to look and smell like a wild woman on tonight’s date, she needed get home to shower and remove the knots from her snarled hair.

  Papa glanced up from his recliner as she entered. “Did you have a good day?”

  “Very much.” She hurried past. “Sorry I don’t have time to talk right now, but I have to get ready for my date.”

  He didn’t reply, which was a good thing. No response meant no objection.

  After a quick shower and fixing her face and hair, she carefully removed the hot pink dress Elena had given her from its hanger and slipped it over her head, the floaty fabric dancing at her knees. Her eyes caught a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror while she buckled the dainty straps of her shoes, and she was amazed at the transformation. The day at the ranch had given her a glow that flushed her cheeks and brightened her eyes. Must be the fresh air and exercise, or was it something else?

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she reached for her brush and pulled it through the snarls. This evening felt different than the business lunches she’d shared with Jason, but no matter how attractive he was, she had to remember her underlying purpose—to uncover his relationship with Elena. The doorbell rang, and the butterflies danced faster.

  Papa answered the door, and through the paper-thin walls of the house, she heard him speak. “You must be Mr. Dent. Graciela has mentioned you. Please come in.”

  Grace steadied her nerves with a slow breath, snatched the sparkly gold evening bag that matched her shoes from the bed, and stepped down the hallway with a forced smile on her face. She’d hoped to have time to do something with the file she’d confiscated earlier that day, but it would just have to wait.

  As she entered the room, the conversation between Jason and her father came to an abrupt stop. Papa’s mouth hung open, but Jason, dressed in a black suit, made his way to her, lifted her hand by the fingers, and planted a kiss not on the back, but in her palm, then curled her fingers around it. “You look lovely, Grace.”

  The butterflies moved to her heart, racing helter-skelter between the beats of her pulse. “Thank you.”

  Suddenly Papa was all motion. “You two will have a beautiful evening. Buenas noches!” With his parting words zinging in flight, Papa hurried her and Jason through the doorway and into the chilly night air.

  For dinner, Jason took her to a reservations-only establishment. He steered his sleek car beneath a burgundy awning and strode to the passenger side to open her door. A young man in black slacks and burgundy jacket seated himself in the car and pulled away to park.

  Once inside, Grace marveled at the surroundings. Several fireplaces divided the large area into intimate seating arrangements. The fire hissed and popped as it encased the room with a woody fragrance. Candles flickered from every table, where white linen tablecloths provided the perfect backdrop for crystal goblets and gold-rimmed china. “This is gorgeous.” She longed for more eloquent words, but none came to mind.

  Jason laughed softly and placed a hand against the small of her back. “My table is over here.”

  His table? Did he eat here that often? Who with? All these questions and more invaded her thoughts as they traversed the plush carpet, sudden fear sparking in her mind. Never had she felt so out of her league.

  The handsome defense attorney proved to be the perfect gentleman all evening, and conversation flowed easily. Grace relaxed in his company and enjoyed the exquisite evening. Later, as she finished off a piece of cheesecake, she leaned back in her chair and sighed. “Thank you for a wonderful evening. I’ve had such a great time.”

  He smiled, both dimples showing. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Graciela.”

  Her eyebrows rose at the use of her Spanish name.

  “Hope you don’t mind if I use your full name. It’s lovely.”

  She only nodded. Normally she would have objected, but her name did sound rather beautiful with his smooth British accent.

  “I must say you’ve never appeared quite as dazzling as you do tonight, and I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. Your beauty has cast a spell on me.” His words flowed like amber honey.

  Her heart pounded, and heat climbed from her neck to her cheeks. Did he really find her dazzling? She gave her head a shake to unclutter her mind. “May I ask you a question?”

  His eyelids contracted, veiling his eyes beneath dark brows. “Certainly.”

  “Do you know Elena Delgado on a personal level?”

  At first he appeared slightly taken aback, but he quickly masked it with a smile. “We’ve spoken of course, but the answer to your question depends on your definition of ‘personal.’” He laughed softly, leaned close enough for her to feel the warmth of his breath on her face, and planted a kiss on her lips.

  A sudden awareness that they weren’t alone brought Grace to her senses. She pulled back, her thoughts confused.

  “Well, fancy seeing you two here.” Andy stood at their
table, Trish clutching one arm. Neither looked particularly happy. Then they moved to one side, and Matt stepped forward. Even in the dim candlelight his eyes registered hurt.


  Grace grabbed two fists of hair and pulled. Where was that file? It had been on her dresser this morning when she left for Sunday school, but she’d searched her room twice, and it was nowhere to be found.

  Panic squeezed her heart. It had to be here somewhere. She needed the file to give to Andy, to explain what she’d done and why she’d done it. The sermon in church had been about David’s sin with Bathsheba, about how people tended to justify and rationalize their wrongdoing. Convicted by her actions of the previous morning, she’d struggled through the rest of the service.

  Grace rubbed a hand across her face. Maybe Papa had seen the file and moved it, but it wasn’t like him to come into her room. She scurried to the kitchen, her shoes a-clop against the tile. Where was he anyway? She glanced around, hoping to spy the missing folder, but instead glimpsed a note scrawled in Papa’s handwriting and held to the fridge with a magnet advertising the number of a local pizza delivery.

  Graciela, I have decided to go away for a while to visit your brothers and other family over Thanksgiving. Mr. Cates is taking care of the animals, and I’ve left control of the restaurant to the assistant manager. Love, Papa

  With shaky hands, she re-read the note. No mention of her joining him or when he’d be back. No number where he could be reached. How like him to let her know in such an impersonal way. Now what?

  She laid the note on the counter and brought both palms to her face. The best use of her time was to call Andy and ask to meet him. Surely he’d understand and wouldn’t think she’d gone completely bonkers. Hands still shaking, she lifted the phone to her ear. It rang several times, but no one answered. She’d just have to try again later.

  Grace drifted to the couch and plopped down, her thoughts on Matt. Guilt dripped through her like a leaky faucet. She hadn’t meant to hurt his feelings, and hadn’t expected Jason’s kiss. All of it was beyond her control. So why was she still so bothered? She traipsed back to the phone and dialed Matt’s cell number.

  “Hello.” Even through the phone line, he sounded dismal.

  “Hey, Matt, it’s Gracie.”

  “Gracie?” His voice changed. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, why?”

  A huff of exasperation sounded. “Well, it could be because you never call me.”

  “Well, never’s a pretty strong word. I called to see if you wanted to get together this afternoon for a talk.”

  The line silenced for a minute. “Sure, I guess so.”

  She grimaced. Judging by the sound of his voice, he was still hurt. “It’s a pretty day.” She glanced out the window at blue skies and puffy clouds. “How about the lake?”

  “Great idea!” The excitement in his voice escalated. “I found an awesome trail out there not too long ago that’s really pretty this time of year. Without the leaves on the trees you can see the bluffs on the opposite shoreline really well. You still remember the way to Andy and Trish’s lake house?”

  Just the mention of the place brought a smile to her face. “How could I forget? Some of my happiest memories took place there.”

  Again the line grew quiet. A more sober-sounding Matt finally spoke, a new hesitancy in his voice. “Is it okay if I just meet you there? I might decide to stay for a few days since the holidays are coming up and Andy took his family on vacation.”


  “Yeah, he took them to Florida for Thanksgiving.”

  “When will he be back?” She nibbled her fingernail.

  “Sorry, he’ll be gone ‘til next weekend. Poor guy needs it, too. Said something about having to work over the holidays.”

  The guilt returned, only tripled. Even in her attempt to protect Andy by taking the prosecutor position, she hadn’t thought through how the decision would affect him in the short term. She was responsible for the extra work he now shouldered when he should be relaxing and enjoying his family. “What time do you want to meet?”

  “Gimme an hour.”

  “Okay.” Grace hung up the phone and went to change clothes. She’d just finished tying her shoes when the phone jangled. Probably Matt. What had he forgotten this time?

  She raced down the hallway and answered the phone. “Hey, Matt.”

  “This isn’t Matt.” Even through the phone, Grace discerned the anger in Elena’s voice. “Apparently you still haven’t learned.”

  Normally, she would have apologized immediately, but she’d had all the back and forth behavior she could take from this woman. “Matt and I are friends, and it’s none of your business.” Let the chips fall where they may.

  “I’ve already told you it is if you intend to work for me.”

  Grace bolted her jaws shut to resist a comment about losing her job and the false allegations against Andy. Until she could talk to him personally, she’d best not play that hand.

  “In fact, I’d also like to know why you went out with Jason Dent last night.”

  A tight frown knotted her brows. How would Elena know unless she was having her followed?

  The woman lit into her, hot with anger, her razor-sharp words slicing through Grace time and time again, until when she at last finished her tirade, all that was left of her psyche was a wounded mess. “You’d better watch your step, missy. You don’t know who you’re messing with.” Elena ended her outburst by banging the phone against the receiver.

  Grace sat unmoving for several minutes, trying to piece together her emotions so she could figure out what to do next. She wandered to the window and looked out at the once pretty day. Now it had turned dark and blustery. Was Elena out there somewhere just waiting for her? Did she dare meet Matt as she’d promised?

  The phone shrilled and Grace jumped, one hand to her chest to slow her racing heart. If it was Elena could she emotionally handle another scathing round of abuse? She squared her shoulders and moved to the phone. “Hello?”

  No answer.


  Still nothing.

  She hung up and backed away. Then sudden determination straightened her spine. She refused to let an emotional terrorist keep her captive in her own house. Besides, she needed Matt, needed the comfort of his arms and his words of wisdom. Without further consideration, Grace grabbed her purse and headed for the pickup, locking the back door behind her.

  Intermittent tears meandered down Grace’s face as she drove to the lake, her mind rehashing Elena’s hurtful words. Why did she let the woman get to her like this? She angrily brushed tears from her face, but some managed to escape and slid to her lips, leaving salty residue.

  Grace riveted her eyes to the road, which grew more difficult to see in the sheets of pouring rain, but she also checked her rearview mirror frequently, just to make sure she wasn’t being followed. A swift wave of fear splashed over her, pulling her beneath murky torrents, and she slammed on the brakes, screeching and sliding to a halt on the wet pavement. What was she doing? Hadn’t Elena made it perfectly clear that she was to stay away from Matt? And here she was running straight to him.

  She buried her head in her hands. Oh, God, help me. How can I help Elena get through this without losing my sanity?

  Forgive her.

  But how? How can I forgive when she’s been so hurtful without reason? The woman’s words were poisoned arrows, and God expected her to forgive? The answer hammered its way into her head. Yes.

  With a shaky breath, Grace resumed the drive, battling a constant threat of tears. Thankfully, the Tyler cabin soon appeared, bringing with it a rush of comfort. She pulled her coat over her head and made a run for it, water soaking her feet as she sloshed through puddles.

  Matt met her at the door. “There you are. I was starting to get worried. I sure didn’t expect the weather to do this.”

  Grace released the coat from around her head, but kept her gaze lowered
to hide her swollen eyes.

  He gently lifted her chin with his finger and immediately swept her into his arms. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  Tears were unstoppable. Like the torrents of rain that bucketed from the sky, she sobbed uncontrollably.

  “Hey,” said Matt in a soothing tone, “it’s okay.” He rubbed a hand across her back. “Let it out, Gracie.”

  After a few minutes, her tears finally spent, she backed up and wiped away tears with her fingertips. “Sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  He tipped her chin with one hand and used the other to whisk away more tears. “No apologies necessary. I’m glad you felt comfortable enough to let it out.” A tender smile crossed his face and lingered in his eyes. “From the looks of it, you’ve been holding that in for a while.”

  Grace laughed through misty eyes then scanned the room. A floral-designed box of tissues sat on a table near the couch. She scurried across the room to grab one before her nose dripped.

  Matt followed close behind, his eyes full of concern. “You feel comfortable enough to tell me what that was all about?”

  A shivering sigh fell from her lips. “There’s something wrong with Elena, Matt. I know she’s needy, and I want to help. I want to be God’s grace to her, but . . . ” Her voice cracked, and another wave of tears flooded her face.

  He took hold of her hand and pulled her to the couch. “We need to talk about it, but first you need to get dried off before you catch pneumonia. Sit here while I get a towel.” A few seconds later he returned, but rather than hand her the towel, he bent low and dried her hair. Then he knelt in front of her and removed her puddle-soaked shoes, wrapped the towel around each foot, and massaged gently.